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Content or Design, Who’s the King?

As I still heard from the people that 'content is the king'. How a single parameter can decide whole website. If I am planning a website, how can only content be the deciding factor? Though I agree content plays a vital role but presentation is equally essential for a successful website. If content is the soul of the website then unquestionably presentation is the body. But if the website is eye catching and the content is meaningless then how people will visit your website again and even the google will not crawl your website. If the design of the website is weak and content is good even then the visitor will take the less time on your website.

Single Parameter

It is difficult to decide which parameter is most important in website designing. This as any other designing format demands creativity, innovation and diligence. Both content and presentation are like diameters of a circle, where you can't say which one is larger. If you prepare a good content without an appealing presentation and vice versa then both are useless.

What appeals, sells

When did u last visit a website which was appealing? Can you recall the elements which according to you caught your attention? May be you liked a site with many applets and java scripts installed in it or may be you have read a good content, so you felt good about the site. It is very simple, through a general mind analysis; you can easily judge the taste of your target audience. Gone are the days when visitors used to search websites through newspapers or advertisements. Now the audience is so techno savvy that you need to tell them about your presence. For this you need to be competent, attractive and lucidly interactive. You can have regular visitors if you update your site regularly as per their needs.

The Content Saga

Contents of the website makes your website communicative, because it's only text which explains information about your product or services. You can't compromise with your content. It should be lucid and very brief. Visitors won't spend too much time reading your website but they will at least try to read few paragraphs. These are the text which can hold or deter your visitors. Content involves every single alphabet featured in your website. It depends on how well you have mentioned the points, how you have synchronized the gist of the information to aptly suit your visitors need.

You can constantly update your content. Regular updating makes your site look fresh and attractive. Unlike earlier when content was just to fill the website, now content can decide the rank of your website on major search engines. You can easily update your content, if you know about HTML otherwise you can leave this to your webmaster. You can give your content to the webmaster and they can place it in your site. But content is just the inside of the website, you should have that thing in your site which can attract visitors. And this is where presentation is required.

Design your Presence

Presentation adorns your content. It is the garnishing for your website. Remember those Italian salads with glossy garnishing which many a times compelled you to have those veggies. Same with websites also, if you prepare a good presentable website, visitors are bound to come back to you. Eye catchy websites can easily fetch traffic, though it may be temporary but if your site has good content then the visitor will definitely visit your site regularly.

A good presentation involves use of applets and graphics. But the use should be moderate and as per the use of the visitors. Graphics should not be added just to adorn the website it should be compliment the website. Heavy graphics can work as a deterrent for your website. Your visitor will not hang around long if your site takes long time to load. Graphics should use good sober colors with ease of navigation. These are the major considerations while designing a presentable website. Try to use small files or images, which take less time to download. Small graphics load up faster than large graphics. Your website should be easily accessible and should open without taking much time. This can only enhance your presentation idea and visitors may admiringly return to you because of this user friendliness.

If you want to boost your business and promote sales include a well designed business website in your business plan, then contact us at, or Call us - 87250-18881  or visit our Official website : 

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