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Tips to Reduce the Site Bounce rate

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As we know Google panda update strikes and still striking the best SEO practices. Even if your site follows all search engine friendly structure guidelines the main goal should also include user’s experience. For this the key metrics are bounce rate and browse rate.

Your Bounce rate should not be 100% and your Browse rate should be 100%.
What is bounce rate?
Bounce rate is a very simple metric that shows the percentage of people who exit a website directly from the page they landed on. In other words those are the visitors who view only one page within a website. Bounce Rate was designed to tell you if you have the right audience coming to your pages and if you are meeting their expectations.

Lowering the bounce rate is important, because that way visitors end up spending more time on your site and thus there’s a better chance of them taking action (subscribing, buying a product, etc.).

In Google Analytics, bounce rate in percentage shows the visitors activity on who left the page in one single visit. The possibilities are,
1. The entrance page is not relevant
2. The content is not clear
3. The design looks very bad
4. If there are no proper navigation links
5. If no relevant links to the subject
6. If the page loads too slow

A high Bounce Rate typically indicates that a visitor did not find the page they landed on relevant to their interests or it did not fulfill their drive to click-through on the referring link.  This is not always the case.  If your blog is being tracked by Google Analytics and a visitor lands on one of your blog posts and the information they seek is clearly available, they may have no further interest in diving deeper into your website.  A low Bounce Rate, on the other hand, does not necessarily mean your users are happily engaged with your site.  If you pair a low Bounce Rate with a high number of Page-views and low conversions, your visitors may be frustrated and unable to find what they are looking for even after searching and are leaving your site unfulfilled.


When looking to reduce the bounce rate percentage on your website, it’s important to look at the different reasons why your bounce rate may be high, or why some pages receive a higher bounce rate than others.

Be Thorough – check browser compatibility

Different web browsers will interpret your content differently. Your site may work perfectly in the browser that was used throughout its development and testing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will run just as smoothly in other browsers. Not only may your content be slightly out of alignment, but entire pages can be left horribly disfigured – and this kind of poor user experience will cause visitors to leave your site immediately upon arrival.

Be thorough and check the functionality of your content in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Fire Fox and Safari.

Improve loading times

Regardless of whether your traffic is coming from a desktop or a smartphone, speed is always of the essence. If your loading times are too slow then this will have a detrimental effect on your bounce rate.

You can help keep loading times quick by removing any unnecessary elements of your webpage design that may result in a sluggish performance – minimise use of plugins, use cache plugins and CDN services like MaxCDN.  Lightweight sites not only load faster, but can also look more appealing from an aesthetic standpoint, and will really improve your chances of a visitor sticking around once they have arrived.
If the problem is not with the design of your website then check the quality of your hosting and move to a better, more premium service.

Be Up-Front- make your purpose known

Organise your content to specify exactly what it is your business/website is offering – whether it is content, a product, or service – and explain clearly and concisely how the user can benefit from what you have to offer, along with what they have to do in order to get it. If people can grasp an immediate understanding of what your site is all about then they will be far more likely to stick around. The idea is to provide exactly what the visitor was searching for, so integrate any search key words into the introduction of your site and make them prominent.

Also, structure your content in a way that addresses their expectations. If you are running an advertisement campaign, then chances are that some of your visitors have arrived at your site by clicking on an ad or banner, so make sure your initial information parallels the copy of that ad precisely. Instead of sending traffic to your primary website, consider a dedicated landing page that has been optimised for your intent. This will eliminate the need for navigation and any additional content outside of your visitors’ concern, reducing your bounce rate whilst at the same time increasing your chances of conversion.

Include fresh and interesting content

Without fresh, relevant content to keep your visitors engaged, your website may as well be an empty shop window with nothing to offer.

Make sure to include interesting articles and features to keep visitors entertained, and continuously refresh your content to ensure return visits. The success of any website – whether your business is sales, services or conversion marketing – depends primarily on repeat custom, so give your customers a good reason to return.
Make sure to break up your content so that people aren’t immediately put off or overwhelmed, as this can be just as detrimental as having no content at all. People tend to steer away from big bulks of text, or cluttered imagery, so split up large chunks of information so it can be easily consumed.

Include internal hyperlinks at the end of blogs and articles, directing visitors to other areas of your site with similarly interesting content in order to increase their levels of engagement and keep them longer.

Include an internal search function

There’s nothing more frustrating than arriving at a site and not being able to find what you’re looking for – most visitors won’t find the time and lack the patience required to navigate your site in order to hunt down the information they want.

Include an internal search function that lets visitors specify what they are looking for and access it straight away.

Implement Google Site Search (which is free) to analyze what searches have been made within your website and from where. You can then improve the navigation of your site by inserting a link between these two hot-spots, should the demand require for it.

Google Site Search can also help you to come up with relevant content material that appeal to the majority of your site users, without the guesswork of having to come up with ideas on your own.

Minimise advertisements

There are few things more irritating than coming to a site and finding it is littered with advertisements, all because the site owner is looking to increase his revenue without taking your user experience into consideration. Professional tools such as this can provide excellent feedback and help you to determine whether popups are in fact assisting your web strategy or hindering it by increasing your bounce and exit rates.

Maintain keyword integrity

Make sure the keywords in your metadata – and any subsequent keywords mapped throughout your site – are working in your favour. This means using keywords that are relevant to your target website visitors.

If you are using keywords and key phrases with a broader outreach, then you are bound to attract visitors who have no interest in the nature of your site. This won’t just lead to a higher bounce rate, but it can also run up unnecessary costs and blow your advertisement budget if you are running any cost-per-click or payable action campaigns.

Test different levels of specificity for your keywords and key phrases, and use this data to establish which level of exactness yields the best results. Consider using negative-keywords and disassociate yourself from certain words altogether – limiting your exposure and only appearing to those who are truly interested in your site and/or business.

Limit your external links

If your content is rife with hyperlinks to external pages, then you may as well be holding the proverbial door open for them, waving them off as they leave. This is commonly referred to as Exit Rate rather than Bounce Rate, but it’s still good practice to address this problem in order to keep visitors engaged on your site for longer.

The best way around this problem is to avoid using hyperlinks altogether. Instead, flesh out your content to include all the relevant information needed, without having to send people to an external reference point – or better yet, render your content down to include just the key points necessary.

If you want to boost your business and promote sales include a well designed business website in your business plan, then contact us at, or Call us - 87250-18881 

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